
My interests are running, yoga, traveling, reading, my children and my three Bernese Mountain dogs!

Maggie is back,

together with Anne Rice, Top Reviewer Forum on Amazon, "on Book reviewing: words to ponder from the NYT"

Hurrah and arrg

For the first time in eons, my TBR is under 200, yeah!!! 


Arrg; a good chunk of those are in paperback and I have not read a paperback in two or three years. 


On my IPad I can adjust the font, I can read in a dark corner (hiding from family and employees), not the speak of actually going on a trip. So much easier than lugging 7 or more books around.


I have been trying to replace my paperbacks with e-versions when the e-version is free or cheap. I splurged when my kids bought me for Christmas Amazon gift cards. But the majority of my to-read books in paperback have not been offered for free or as a bargain.


Well, I doubt I run out of e-versions to read anytime soon. There are after all those pesky new releases.

Update - Just venting

I had send the charter company an email, rather polite given the circumstances, actually as below just detailed the events. Yesterday, I received a response offering 2 tickets for tonight's firework show on one of their charter boats. I politely declined. Additionally, they were "surprised" at all the confusion. They had after all detailed where we should board and that's where in the end the boat had been. No word of explanation why at the time we should have been boarding, the boat was nowhere to be seen. The rest, they will investigate.


We had our 30th wedding anniversary party on Saturday, July 26 on the Magic Moment, charter boat.


My husband and I were and still are dismayed at the level of incompetence displayed by Magic Charters and the crew.


After booking the Magic Moment through our caterers, we signed the contract booking the Magic Moment and paid a deposit on May 7, 2014.  I contacted Magic Charters on June 5, 2014 to confirm our booking for July 26, 2014 as well as for information where exactly the Moment would be docking, information I needed to send out our invitations. On June 5, I received an email confirming the wrong date (July 30) as well as a different boat (Hornblower). After advising Magic Charters that this was not what we signed and paid for, we received an email, apologizing that there had been 2 clients with the same name however, while we were confirmed now for the right day and boat, we still had no idea where we would boarding. After several more emails we received confirmation of the location as well as a request of changing our times, 7:30 pm boarding instead of 6:30 pm. As we had several young children as well as some older folks on the guest list, I called Magic Charters and asked if the cruise could be cut short and if we could come back in at 11:30 pm instead of 12 midnight.


On July, 2013, Magic Charters emailed and offered us the original times back but at a different dock. As we had by now sent our invitation, we declined. Verbally, we were told that as there was going to be another boat ahead of us, disembarking may not be as discussed at 11:30 pm. I took this under advice and arranged transportation accordingly, between 11:45 pm and midnight.


Due to traffic on firework nights, we arrived early at 1601 Bayshore, the dock advised by Magic Charter. The Magic Charm was docked and had started to board. Around 7:20 pm, my husband became concerned of not seeing the Moment as well seeing that the Charm was nowhere near ready to leave. He went down to the Charm and asked a crew member if he knew where the Moment was. My husband was advised that the Moment was docked at the other marina on 405 Denman Street, a couple of blocks away. A number of our guests had already arrived and we all walked over to the other marina, where we found another guest who had recognized personnel of our caterers boarding the Magic at this dock. While I was unhappy that I now had to call all guests still missing with the news that the boarding address on our invitation was wrong and that they should come the new boarding address, we were glad to have found the Moment. I also tried to call Magic Charter to confirm and voice my dismay at the mix-up, however, no one answered the phones nor did Magic Charter act when we tried texting.


While we and our guests were waiting in line behind others boarding different boats, we were accosted by a staff member of a different charter boat company who advised us that the Moment had left the docks to a, to him, unknown destination.


Thankfully, the guest who had recognized the catering personnel received a text from them, advising us that the Moment was now docked where we were to have been boarding it originally.  


By now it was 7:45 pm, 15 minutes past our boarding time. When I arrived at the 1601 Bayshore dock, I saw that once again our guests were lined up and not allowed to board. When I got closer, one of my guests told me that apparently the crew had difficulties docking and anchoring the Moment. She also told me that it appeared that one crew member had showed up late and pointed to someone dealing with the ropes. Unfortunately, that someone was one of our guests. Apparently, the crew member trying to secure the boat was incapably of doing so alone and the other two crew members did not seem to think that it was their job.


We finally boarded at 8 pm, fully 30 minutes past the time given to us. The boarding process looked rather unsafe to me. We had to go onto an unsecured ramp.

We finally sailed. The only good news was that the captain did find a great spot for us to watch the fireworks.


My husband had asked crew members several times to turn on lights on the inside stairs (we fully understand why not on the outside stairs), however, it took several requests and then we realized that there were actually no lights on the stairs however, the captain had turned on lights on the roof, at least shining some light onto the stairs.


At 11:45 pm, we passed the floating Chevron station. I asked a crew member how much longer we had and was assured that they would have us “in no time” at the dock. I called dispatch for our transport and asked to let the driver know that we might be a little past midnight. Unfortunately, the crew member had not told me that the “in no time” dock was not the dock where we boarded and where our drivers were waiting but the dock a couple of blocks away.


Disembarking was another unsafe exercise. There was a rather steep step down from the inside of the boat to the lower “patio”. There was no light, no one could see how steep the step was and several guests almost fell. Thankfully, and I rather dislike saying thankfully, my oldest son is currently on crutches and in order not to have to navigate to narrow stairs, had spent most of the evening on said patio at the rear of the boat and was able to assist.


Needless to say, when we finally made to the meeting point with our driver, he had left as by now we were more than 30 minutes late. And no, none of our guests hung around. We all got off the Moment and immediately all of us turned to either where cars were parked, trying to catch cabs or as with my party, went to meet our driver.


Additionally, my sister-in-law told me that she had called Magic Charters on Friday, July 25, 2014 to get a better idea where to park. She had our party’s name; she had the right time and the boat’s name and was told to park at the casino. While she is not a Vancouverite, she knew the casino was nowhere near the Bayshore but was told by someone at Magic Charters that our party was leaving from somewhere near Science World, in good traffic times, 20 minutes away.


Our caterer called me today and advised that she had passed on our request for a special welcome drink. She had done so by email but when she had not heard from Magic Charters and time was running out, she called and was assured that the drink was available. She only found out Tuesday, July 29, that this was not the case but that her staff somehow made it possible anyway.


We have had many special occasions and staff parties on charter boats; we have never come up against this level of incompetence. At least, I almost hope it was incompetence as opposed to normal business practice.

Reblogged from Angela

Another encore of Maggie's

She is desperately trying to engage anyone. You know who she in some way reminds me of? Dear Lauren, thee whose problems were finally self-diagnosed as being the results of PMS. 


  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Aug 1, 2014 11:34 AM   in response to: Maggie Spence in response to: Maggie Spence
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I've decided why your behavior is so disturbing to me, Maggie. It's hard for me to fathom how a grown woman (and mother) can act like you do. I'm truly not meaning that as an insult. It's just very seldom that I come across someone whose behavior is so outside of what is socially acceptable. I have a very hard time understanding it, which is likely why I opted to not specialize in psychiatric nursing. My hope and prayer for you, and your family, is that this is your online persona and NOT reflective of the real you.
Maggie Spence  

Posts: 204 
Registered: 12/27/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Aug 1, 2014 2:08 PM   in response to: Marcy Henshaw in response to: Marcy Henshaw
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I fought back. I don't see why that's disturbing to you. My real life is perfectly normal and serene. My experience on Goodreads and KDP were uneventful until a bunch of crazed busybodies went waaaaayyy too far. I'm not even sure what you find disturbing because for the most part, I have been civil and courteous except to the people who attacked me.

Edited by: Maggie Spence on Aug 1, 2014 2:09 PM
Maggie Spence  

Posts: 204 
Registered: 12/27/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Aug 1, 2014 2:28 PM   in response to: Marcy Henshaw in response to: Marcy Henshaw
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You know what's disturbing to me about your behavior, Marcy? That you are more concerned with my behavior while seeming very nonchalant about a pack of morons who gang-review books they haven't read. I would think, as a writer, you might find this behavior very disturbing. For the last time, if you are so bothered by me, don't read my posts!

Josh Mitchell knows best - gee is it a full moon or is the summer heat frying certain people's brain?

Michael Williams  

Posts: 357 
Registered: 01/31/13
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 2:16 PM   in response to: Alan Jackson in response to: Alan Jackson
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I quite like his opening two chapters :) And anyone who's read A Confederacy of Dunces cant be all bad

Posts: 50 
Registered: 07/13/11
Posted: Jul 31, 2014 2:09 PM   in response to: Michael Williams in response to: Michael Williams
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It’s a novel?


I perused the “look inside,” didn’t see the germ of any “story.”

I also saw a lot of derivative, unoriginal words, taken right from the urban slang dic, and a rip-off of Woody Allen’s “orgasmatron.”

No thanks.

Weird brand of “publicity," that’s for sure.
Josh Mitchell  

Posts: 2 
Registered: 07/30/14
Posted: Jul 31, 2014 3:01 PM   in response to: petemorin in response to: petemorin
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Welcome to the party. Thank you for stalking me on here and on my Goodreads page. Let's see a link to your work. You couldn't come close to writing anything as authentic and well-researched as my new novel - 

My latest short story "The Hellified Hedonist of Hingham" went live on Amazon today. Enjoy -

You can tweet me some more sour grapes here -

-The Dude Who Did Dictionaries

Edited by: Josh Mitchell on Jul 31, 2014 3:01 PM

this deserves it's on post

Tomaz Azulo  

Posts: 2 
Registered: 02/06/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 7:53 PM   in response to: Maggie Spence in response to: Maggie Spence
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OMG. The 'I only did it as a study in human nature' flounce.
Maggie Spence  

Posts: 197 
Registered: 12/27/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 8:04 PM   in response to: Tomaz Azulo in response to: Tomaz Azulo
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OMG! You are the perfect example of weird human nature, Tomaz! This is perfect. You have been a member of this forum since February 5, and in that time have posted exactly two comments in two different threads. Both were directed at me. A quick Google of your name reveals you hate Anne Rice and make nasty comments about her. What, what, what is up with you? What makes you speak out against this particular subject and nothing else? So cool. Yet, sad. I mean, what's your point?
Maggie Spence  

Posts: 197 
Registered: 12/27/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 8:11 PM   in response to: Maggie Spence in response to: Maggie Spence
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Wait! I just figured it out, duh. You're one of the bullies from Goodreads! Here's how I know. Your forum name means Tom Blue in English which is probably code for Blue Tomcat. A LOT of those bully ladies talk about their cats. Yeah, you're probably Ruth Mahala or Linda Hilton or Barbara Lindt. Got it.

Edited by: Maggie Spence on Jul 30, 2014 8:11 PM
Reblogged from Angela

The Ballad of Maggie Spence

The Ballad of Maggie Spence


Old Maggie Spence left east Buffalo
On the Cannonball Express at seven oh oh.
Beating dead horses was on her mind.
She hoped by the tracks there would be plenty to find.

Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck.
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!

Just outside Erie, Maggie had her first crack,
The train stopped to clear a dead horse from the tracks.
Maggie with her big stick jumped from the train,
And upon that dead horse, her blows they did rain.

Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck,
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!

Heading south from Cleveland the train did roll
Stopping in Akron to take on some coal.
Maggie Spence spotted a dead horse or two,
And charged off the train ready to make glue.

Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck,
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!


On rolled the train, boilers ready to pop,

So in Cincinnati Old Cannonball made a water stop

Maggie, poor soul, she needed some rest,

She stayed on the train as it no longer went west.


Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck,
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!


In Lexington Maggie woke to a heck of a sight

Horses to beat to the left and the right!

She beat them so hard she ground them to salt

But, oh Maggie, oh Maggie had triggered the New Madrid fault!


Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck,
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!


Old Cannonball tried to outrun that earthquake,

But that old train just didn’t have what it takes.

Try as it might, the train was too slow,

To beat that great shake to the banks of the Ohio.


Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!


Kentucky had risen three hundred yards.

Buildings had toppled like houses of cards.

Maggie’s doom was upon her as the train topped the ridge,

One hundred miles per hour and no freaking bridge.


Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!


In a long, graceful arc poor Cannonball fell,

Whistling defiance and ringing his bell.

The chasm was deep. The chasm was vast.

But something tells me this weren’t Maggie’s last.


Ohhhhh Maggie Spence, Maggie Spence
Beat that dead horse to heck
Watch out cuz there's a coming
a great Big BIG train wreck!




this deserves it's on post

Tomaz Azulo  

Posts: 2 
Registered: 02/06/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 7:53 PM   in response to: Maggie Spence in response to: Maggie Spence
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OMG. The 'I only did it as a study in human nature' flounce.
Maggie Spence  

Posts: 197 
Registered: 12/27/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 8:04 PM   in response to: Tomaz Azulo in response to: Tomaz Azulo
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OMG! You are the perfect example of weird human nature, Tomaz! This is perfect. You have been a member of this forum since February 5, and in that time have posted exactly two comments in two different threads. Both were directed at me. A quick Google of your name reveals you hate Anne Rice and make nasty comments about her. What, what, what is up with you? What makes you speak out against this particular subject and nothing else? So cool. Yet, sad. I mean, what's your point?
Maggie Spence  

Posts: 197 
Registered: 12/27/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 8:11 PM   in response to: Maggie Spence in response to: Maggie Spence
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Wait! I just figured it out, duh. You're one of the bullies from Goodreads! Here's how I know. Your forum name means Tom Blue in English which is probably code for Blue Tomcat. A LOT of those bully ladies talk about their cats. Yeah, you're probably Ruth Mahala or Linda Hilton or Barbara Lindt. Got it.

Edited by: Maggie Spence on Jul 30, 2014 8:11 PM

Maggie Spence's latest explanation

Maggie Spence  

Posts: 195 
Registered: 12/27/13
  Re: You NEED to Read This Post! 
Posted: Jul 30, 2014 4:32 PM   in response to: Stephanie Laroc... in response to: Stephanie Laroc...
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I like you, Essa. You get right to the point and your assessment is dead on. The hoopla has helped my sales and the more they babble, the more traffic I get, so I got hooked. The one point where I disagree is that I didn't intend for this to happen, I just rode the wave while it lasted. Yeah, I threw some gasoline on the fire and I jabbed a couple of big mouths to get the gang all riled up. I added my blog just to give them more to seethe over and my posts here on KDP were bait. I genuinely wanted to hear what my fellow authors had to say but I never thought it would get to this point. Never. The study in human nature was just my bonus and my reactions were genuine. It's all an amazingly silly, ridiculous, stupid situation for grownups to be so passionately involved in! Thanks for outing me and I look forward to more of your insights.

Poor Maggie...  unhinged, the poor dear.

Reblogged from The Surly Dragon

Just venting

We had our 30th wedding anniversary party on Saturday, July 26 on the Magic Moment, charter boat.


My husband and I were and still are dismayed at the level of incompetence displayed by Magic Charters and the crew.


After booking the Magic Moment through our caterers, we signed the contract booking the Magic Moment and paid a deposit on May 7, 2014.  I contacted Magic Charters on June 5, 2014 to confirm our booking for July 26, 2014 as well as for information where exactly the Moment would be docking, information I needed to send out our invitations. On June 5, I received an email confirming the wrong date (July 30) as well as a different boat (Hornblower). After advising Magic Charters that this was not what we signed and paid for, we received an email, apologizing that there had been 2 clients with the same name however, while we were confirmed now for the right day and boat, we still had no idea where we would boarding. After several more emails we received confirmation of the location as well as a request of changing our times, 7:30 pm boarding instead of 6:30 pm. As we had several young children as well as some older folks on the guest list, I called Magic Charters and asked if the cruise could be cut short and if we could come back in at 11:30 pm instead of 12 midnight.


On July, 2013, Magic Charters emailed and offered us the original times back but at a different dock. As we had by now sent our invitation, we declined. Verbally, we were told that as there was going to be another boat ahead of us, disembarking may not be as discussed at 11:30 pm. I took this under advice and arranged transportation accordingly, between 11:45 pm and midnight.


Due to traffic on firework nights, we arrived early at 1601 Bayshore, the dock advised by Magic Charter. The Magic Charm was docked and had started to board. Around 7:20 pm, my husband became concerned of not seeing the Moment as well seeing that the Charm was nowhere near ready to leave. He went down to the Charm and asked a crew member if he knew where the Moment was. My husband was advised that the Moment was docked at the other marina on 405 Denman Street, a couple of blocks away. A number of our guests had already arrived and we all walked over to the other marina, where we found another guest who had recognized personnel of our caterers boarding the Magic at this dock. While I was unhappy that I now had to call all guests still missing with the news that the boarding address on our invitation was wrong and that they should come the new boarding address, we were glad to have found the Moment. I also tried to call Magic Charter to confirm and voice my dismay at the mix-up, however, no one answered the phones nor did Magic Charter act when we tried texting.


While we and our guests were waiting in line behind others boarding different boats, we were accosted by a staff member of a different charter boat company who advised us that the Moment had left the docks to a, to him, unknown destination.


Thankfully, the guest who had recognized the catering personnel received a text from them, advising us that the Moment was now docked where we were to have been boarding it originally.  


By now it was 7:45 pm, 15 minutes past our boarding time. When I arrived at the 1601 Bayshore dock, I saw that once again our guests were lined up and not allowed to board. When I got closer, one of my guests told me that apparently the crew had difficulties docking and anchoring the Moment. She also told me that it appeared that one crew member had showed up late and pointed to someone dealing with the ropes. Unfortunately, that someone was one of our guests. Apparently, the crew member trying to secure the boat was incapably of doing so alone and the other two crew members did not seem to think that it was their job.


We finally boarded at 8 pm, fully 30 minutes past the time given to us. The boarding process looked rather unsafe to me. We had to go onto an unsecured ramp.

We finally sailed. The only good news was that the captain did find a great spot for us to watch the fireworks.


My husband had asked crew members several times to turn on lights on the inside stairs (we fully understand why not on the outside stairs), however, it took several requests and then we realized that there were actually no lights on the stairs however, the captain had turned on lights on the roof, at least shining some light onto the stairs.


At 11:45 pm, we passed the floating Chevron station. I asked a crew member how much longer we had and was assured that they would have us “in no time” at the dock. I called dispatch for our transport and asked to let the driver know that we might be a little past midnight. Unfortunately, the crew member had not told me that the “in no time” dock was not the dock where we boarded and where our drivers were waiting but the dock a couple of blocks away.


Disembarking was another unsafe exercise. There was a rather steep step down from the inside of the boat to the lower “patio”. There was no light, no one could see how steep the step was and several guests almost fell. Thankfully, and I rather dislike saying thankfully, my oldest son is currently on crutches and in order not to have to navigate to narrow stairs, had spent most of the evening on said patio at the rear of the boat and was able to assist.


Needless to say, when we finally made to the meeting point with our driver, he had left as by now we were more than 30 minutes late. And no, none of our guests hung around. We all got off the Moment and immediately all of us turned to either where cars were parked, trying to catch cabs or as with my party, went to meet our driver.


Additionally, my sister-in-law told me that she had called Magic Charters on Friday, July 25, 2014 to get a better idea where to park. She had our party’s name; she had the right time and the boat’s name and was told to park at the casino. While she is not a Vancouverite, she knew the casino was nowhere near the Bayshore but was told by someone at Magic Charters that our party was leaving from somewhere near Science World, in good traffic times, 20 minutes away.


Our caterer called me today and advised that she had passed on our request for a special welcome drink. She had done so by email but when she had not heard from Magic Charters and time was running out, she called and was assured that the drink was available. She only found out Tuesday, July 29, that this was not the case but that her staff somehow made it possible anyway.


We have had many special occasions and staff parties on charter boats; we have never come up against this level of incompetence. At least, I almost hope it was incompetence as opposed to normal business practice.

BBA and fangirls


Lucian Bane called on his fan girls or street team as he calls it on his FB page to promote his book (30 minutes daily each, no less); I am not on FB so I can't link.


Anyhow, several took up his call and are spamming his books on inappropriate threads. When called out, they are justifying it because the author has an important message (don't they all?) and as they are true believers, they therefore have the right to spread the message.

Update on my baby


We had a scare last month; Madison had fallen after greeting me and taking the patio stairs to fast. She sat with her butt and hind paw pointing out on one step and the rest of her on the next above. She may have yelped, we did not hear as hubby and I yelped loudly ourselves. Madison looked stunned and when my husband grabbed her collar, she gave us a dirty look, got up and shook herself. We had her checked out and the vet was certain she had not hurt herself. 


However, a week later, my assistant had come by the house and in good doggy fashion, treats were demanded by the 3 of them. Unfortunately, they had also cornered my assistant into a small area and in their eagerness, the younger one must have pushed Madison. When I got to the kitchen, Madison was lying on her side and her left front leg was twitching and she was breathing heavily. I immediately went down, petting and calming her. First, she got herself into the sphinx position and with continued petting and soothing, she got up and looking at my while walking away as she was pitying me, sort of WTF are you doing down there.


We had an appointment for her bone strengthening for the following week but I did not want to wait that long and brought her to the specialist clinic the next day. 


And now the good news: by noon we had a call that her liver enzymes (for which she is on meds) were better than they had been in a year as was her heart arrhythmia. The neurologist did a few tests (the bone cancer as well as chemo could have damaged her system) and found nothing. We still asked to have a scan done. Later that afternoon, the clinic called and asked me to bring her cancer meds - they don't stock them - as they were able to get her an early morning appointment for her bone strengthening, saving us, well her, a trip to the clinic a week later.


While I was on the road, the oncologist called and gave the best news possible: the bone strengthening treatment that was to delay the fracturing of her bones (which would also be the onset of pain), had in fact reversed some of the damage the cancer had caused.


She had this month treatment last week and the results remains so good, we can now go to every 6 weeks instead of every 4 weeks.


We are fully aware, we are on borrowed time. But what for a wonderful time it is. Madison is more outgoing, more playful and more demanding than ever. She looks now always slightly disheveled, sporting her "cancer survivor" bandana; we now nicknamed her the bandito queen. 

OK. It's officially a train wreck.
OK. It's officially a train wreck.

It just looks sooo good.


You stay classy, Ms Spence. 

Reblogged from Books, hockey, and a bucketful of snark

Maggie Spence Is Totally CrayCray

Minion # ??? re-blog


Never say I don't bring you the best in entertainment.




Author Maggie Spence just called me and is now going to give my phone number to all who will listen. Because I am the source of all her problems here.


Evidently at loooong last I HAZ THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!


Now go forth my minions (all 3 of you) and, you know, read a book or something.


God in heaven."

Reblogged from Spare Ammo

kind of like this


Currently reading

Life in the English Country House: A Social and Architectural History
Mark Girouard
The History of Britain Companion: Fascinating Folklore, Mysterious Histories, & Britannic Brilliance
Jo Swinnerton
Georgette Heyer's Regency World
Jennifer Kloester
The Regency Country House: From the Archives of Country Life
John Martin Robinson
The Regency Companion
Teresa L. Hamlin, Sharon Laudermilk
Upstairs and Downstairs
Edward Hayward
Georgian and Regency Houses Explained (England's Living History)
Trevor Yorke
Life In Victorian Britain
Michael St. John Parker
The Book of Firsts: 150 World-Changing People and Events from Caesar Augustus to the Internet
Peter D'Epiro
Life in Georgian Britain (Pitkin guides)
Michael St. John Parker